A Winter Tarot Reading for the Collective
Ah, winter. It’s the most introspective season—a time when the world slows down, inviting us to hit pause. For those of us who feel its quiet pull, winter invites deep reflection on our lives and journeys, allowing us to examine closely what is thriving and what may need reevaluation—and with the latter comes judgment.
It’s almost instinctual—like breathing, so easy to fall into. But what we often overlook is how deeply judgment shapes our lives, especially our sense of possibility. The way we see ourselves doesn’t just affect our choices—it impacts how we show up, physically and mentally. It’s the difference between taking that next step or staying in place.
There’s a fine line between self-awareness and self-judgment. It’s like a dance. One wrong move, and we slip into the trap of focusing on what we can’t do, or how we don’t measure up to those who seem to glide through life (or even a fitness class) with ease.
Judgment is a Major Arcana card in the Tarot, and when it appears, it’s a signal for transformation—an invitation to shed old skin, let go of the past and step into a new version of ourselves. When we’re at our most judgmental, that force can keep us from fully embracing our potential—whether that’s on the mat or in life.
Whether we call it self-doubt, self-sabotage, or something else entirely, at its core, it’s fear. Fear of the unknown. Even when we know that the very thing we resist—the habit or the movement we convince ourselves we can’t do—holds the power to make us stronger, more capable and more alive.
As we reflect on the year—on both our wins and challenges, mental or physical—I’ve pulled three cards to help illuminate questions that could guide us forward. This, ultimately, is the invitation of the Judgment card: where can we shine a light on our shadows of self-doubt and turn those into opportunities for growth? It’s the first step on a journey that leads to a deeper sense of self and what’s possible.
What has been holding us back from positive change?
The people who fill our cup nourish our soul, but sometimes, this love can tip the scales. We find ourselves putting others’ needs before our own, creating an imbalance that blocks self-love.
How can we align more fully with our higher selves?
Now is the time to rein in the external forces that feel out of our control. This may involve delegating tasks to lighten our hectic schedules or designating a dedicated “do not disturb” hour in our calendars for self-care whether that includes engaging in physical activity, journaling, meditating or any other form of recharging.
Where are we being urged to evolve?
The comfort of where we are now may feel safe, but the stability we need is within reach—if we believe we are capable. Let’s shift the way we speak to ourselves, affirm our strengths, and realize that we are, in fact, more resilient than we realize.